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Innovation Centre for Industrial Transformation and Emissions

About us

What is INCITE?

The European Innovation Centre for Industrial Transformation and Emissions (INCITE) is a key element of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), the main EU instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industrial installations. INCITE is the EU's central point of reference for identifying and evaluating the environmental performance of innovative industrial techniques in Europe and beyond for decarbonisation, depollution, or for increasing resource efficiency (e.g. water and energy efficiency) and circularity.

What is the role of INCITE?

INCITE is created to scan systematically the horizon, gathering worldwide information on innovative industrial environmental processes which if they are deemed ready for use at an industrial scale, provide significant environmental benefits and are cost effective could be incorporated in the Sevilla process for the development of environmental norms.

INCITE will assess in full transparency the degree of maturity and environmental performance of innovative techniques that will be deployed during the industrial transition, using an holistic approach that will take into consideration all major environmental impacts and economic aspects. INCITE seeks to establish itself in a central position in the ecosystem that includes industry, technology providers, Members States, financial institutions, private investors, general public and Academia.

INCITE contributes to remove informational barriers for public and private investors in industrial transformation, but also to support frontrunners through flexible permitting rules. These will make industrial frontrunners’ lives easier. The ultimate goal is to accelerate the development and uptake of innovations to make industry more competitive and greener at the same time.

What are the main objectives of INCITE?

INCITE seeks to achieve several mutually reinforcing goals, including:

  • Chart a path with industry towards depollution, decarbonisation and circular economy during the industrial transition;
  • Promote innovation & research;
  • Support frontrunners by unlocking flexible permitting conditions as part of the IED implementation;
  • Facilitate access to financing opportunities, and leveraging green investments;
  • Foster competiveness;
  • Enhance transparency & remove informational barriers with regard to promising technologies for industrial transformation.

INCITE improves the collective understanding of the deep transformations required in large industrial IED installations, increase transparency and provide confidence that specific actions will be taken by industry in order to achieve the EU Green Deal objectives.

Who operates INCITE?

  • The JRC–Seville operates INCITE in close cooperation with DG ENV, but also with support from other Commission DGs (e.g. RTD, CLIMA, ENER, GROW).
  • The JRC ensures a high degree of independence with regard to economic and other interests.
  • INCITE is composed of a team of scientists with significant technical know-how on EU legislation drafting, handling of sensitive business information, management of large stakeholder/experts groups, and breakthrough technologies.

Who participates in INCITE?

INCITE will act not only as an innovation centre but also as a cooperation platform for a wide range of actors in the industrial transition space.

INCITE will work in close cooperation with industry, technology providers, Member States, financial actors, private investors, the general public and academia. It works also in close cooperation with other EU Commission DGs driving policy initiatives linked to the industrial transition (e.g. DG GROW, RTD, CLIMA, ENER) as well as executive agencies (e.g. CINEA and EISMEA).