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Innovation Centre for Industrial Transformation and Emissions

Carbon capture and storage for lime production - IDENTIFIED BY INCITE

The Cryocap™ FG (Flue Gas) technology will capture and purify 95% of the CO2 from Lhoist’s existing lime production unit in the Hauts-de-France region. The cryogenic carbon capture technology is 100% electrical and will be used for the first time in Europe to decarbonise the lime sector. The liquified CO2 will be shipped in specially adapted vessels, to be safely and permanently stored in subsea geological formations, in the North Sea.

Link to the technique (Basic Information)

Participant Companies

Project coordinator

Chaux et Dolomies du Boulonnais (affiliate of Lhoist Group)

Project partners

Lhoist Group

Technology provider

Air Liquide France Industrie

  • Under development / testing
Technology readiness level (TRL) 9
Date of development of the technique
1 January 2023
31 December 2027
Environmental purpose of the innovative technique
Reduction of emissions to air (including noise and odour)
Relevant industrial sector
Cement, lime, magnesium oxide production
IED activity
3.1b Production of cement, lime and magnesium oxide: production of lime in kilns (exceeding 50 tonnes per day)


Commissioning expected date

Environmental performance

  • GHG Emission reduction 2028

Percentage reduction of GHG emissions:

87.0Avg %
GHG emissions data
600,000.0Total GHG emission (CO2_eq ton/year)
198,444,000 €


First industrial-scale carbon capture for lime production integrated with transport of CO2 to coastal hub and shipping to geological storage in the North Sea

Project summary The CalCC project will showcase a pathway for decarbonisation in the European lime industry. The project is capturing and permanently storing CO2 emitted during lime production at Lhoist Group’s Réty site in France. This innovative project will cover the full CO2 value chain: capture, pipeline transport, liquefaction, shipping, and offshore geological storage. For the carbon capture aspect of the project, Air Liquide will build the first Cryocap™ FG unit in a lime plant at industrial scale. The Cryocap™ technology uses cryogenic temperatures to separate gases and creates a 99.99% pure CO2 stream needed for CO2 transport and geological storage. The project plans to achieve 87% relative greenhouse gas (GHG) emission avoidance compared to the reference scenario.

Project coordinator
Chaux et Dolomies du Boulonnais (affiliate of Lhoist Group)
Project partners
Lhoist Group
Technology provider
Air Liquide France Industrie
Project funding
125,198,000 € - Innovation Fund
Total cost of project
3,036,930,000 €