Holcim (Deutschland) GmbH
Commissioning expected date
Deployment of a carbon capture technology via a new kiln line, using an innovative second generation oxyfuel process and a downstream Compression and Purification Unit (CPU). This will reduce emissions from sintering. The CO2 captures will be used to produce methanol, a raw material in the chemicals industry.
The technology works by substituting combustion air with pure oxygen, producing a CO2-rich flue gas. The gas is then cooled, purified and liquified, creating a highly pure CO2 gas for use in other industries. The purified CO2 will either be processed into e-methanol through methanol synthesis or reprocessed as a raw material, to produce plastics for example.
Link to the technique (Basic Information)
Project partners
Holcim Technology Ltd Holcim Deutschland GmbH
Commissioning expected date
The Carbon2Business project will deploy an innovative carbon capture technology at Holcim Germany’s cement plant in Lägerdorf, Germany, and provide the captured CO2 as a raw material to different industries in the region. Holcim will build a new kiln line, using an innovative second generation oxyfuel process and a downstream Compression and Purification Unit (CPU). By implementing this highly innovative technology, Carbon2Business will reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of its cement production by 128% compared to the reference scenario, calculated over the first ten years of operation.