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Innovation Centre for Industrial Transformation and Emissions

Hydrogen combustion equipment for industrial high temperature processes - IDENTIFIED BY INCITE

The main objective is the integration
of hydrogen as fuel for high temperature heating
processes in the energy intensive industries.
While some of the equipment is already
presented as hydrogen-ready, the integration of
hydrogen combustion in heating processes still
needs adoption and redesign of infrastructure,
equipment and the process itself.

About HyInHeat

HyInHeat realizes the implementation of efficient hydrogen combustion systems to decarbonize heating and melting processes of the aluminum and steel sectors, covering almost their complete process chains. To reach this overarching objective within the project, furnace and equipment such as burners or measurement and control technology but also infrastructure is redesigned, modified and implemented in eight demonstrators at technical centers and industrial plants.

Link to the technique (Basic Information)

  • Under development / testing
Technology readiness level (TRL) 7
Date of development of the technique
1 January 2023
31 December 2026
Environmental purpose of the innovative technique
Relevant industrial sector
Iron and Steel
Non-ferrous metals production
IED activity
2.2 Production of pig iron or steel (primary or secondary fusion) exceeding 2,5 tonnes per hour
2.3a Processing of ferrous metals: operation of hot-rolling mills with a capacity exceeding 20 tonnes of crude steel per hour
2.5a Processing of non-ferrous metals: production of non-ferrous crude metals