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Innovation Centre for Industrial Transformation and Emissions

Direct reduction of iron ore using hydrogen - HYBRIT - IDENTIFIED BY INCITE

The “HYBRIT demonstration project” will replace coal-based blast furnaces with direct hydrogen-based reduction technology. The HYBRIT initiative will demonstrate a complete industrial value chain for fossil-free hydrogen-based iron and steelmaking.

A first-of-a kind, full-scale plant for the
direct reduction of iron ore with 100% hydrogen will be built in Gällivare (North Sweden). This is a major innovation compared to the best available natural gas-based technologies, which can use hydrogen to only a limited extent. In addition, a fossil-free hydrogen production via a water electrolysis plant will be commissioned in Gällivare (500 MW), making use of the high shares of wind and hydropower in the electricity production of the region.

Link to the technique (Basic Information)

Relevant alternative technique

Production of liquid iron in blast furnaces

Air emissions (BATs 59 to 65) in IS BREF (2012)
Water emissions (BATs 66 and 67) in IS BREF (2012)

Participant Companies

Project partners

vattenfall SSAB and LKAB

  • Planned
Technology readiness level (TRL) 9
Date of development of the technique
1 April 2022
30 October 2027
Environmental purpose of the innovative technique
Relevant industrial sector
Iron and Steel
IED activity
2.2 Production of pig iron or steel (primary or secondary fusion) exceeding 2,5 tonnes per hour


Environmental performance

  • GHG Emission reduction 2027

GHG emissions data:



HYBRIT Demonstration: Swedish large-scale steel value chain demonstration of Hydrogen Breakthrough Iron-making technology

A new, first-of-a-kind hydrogen production facility in Gällivare will be established, using a 500 MW electrolyser capacity powered by fossil-free electricity. The use of hydrogen enables the conversion of iron ore into sponge iron. The project will enable SSAB to replace two blast furnaces in Oxelösund with an electric arc furnace, using the sponge iron as the feedstock to produce high-quality steel without using coking coal in the reduction step.

Project partners
Project funding
143,000,000 € - Innovation Fund
Total cost of project
143,000,000 €