- 13 May 2025

The 1st INCITE sectoral workshop on Innovative Techniques dedicated to the Iron and Steel (IS) sector will take place from 13th to 15th May 2025 at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Seville, Spain.
The workshop will be hybrid. The capacity of the venue will limit the number of possible in-person attendees, but online participation is possible.
The key objectives of the workshop are as follows:
- Exchange on the state-of-play in terms of innovation in the IS sector for e.g. depollution /decarbonisation / circular economy. This is essential in preparation of the IS BREF revision (planned 2026).
- Provide a unique forum to industry / technology providers for showcasing key innovative technologies to be deployed for reaching zero pollution, climate neutrality, increased resource efficiency / circular economy.
- Discuss / debate among stakeholders (e.g. industry, technology providers, financiers, permit writers of first-of-a-kind installations) on the degree of maturity, environmental performance, cost-effectiveness, cross-media effects/trade-offs, framework conditions, permitting, financing aspects of innovative techniques.
- Mobilise stakeholders to actively engage with INCITE and submit technical information on new technologies / processes / environmental performance.
As you may see from the programme (See attached), a number of key projects for decarbonisation and circular economy in the steel industry will be presented and discussed at this important workshop. It will provide unique networking opportunities, and constitute an important milestone towards industrial transformation in the Iron and Steel Sector. It will help to build bridges and remove information barriers between industry, Member States, Research and Technology Organisations, environmental NGOs, academia, technology providers and financial actors.
The registration is now open until the 31st March 2025: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/INCITE-Iron_and_Steel_Workshop
Following your registration, you will receive an email after the registration deadline to confirm your participation (either in-person or online). If you requested in-person participation, please only make travel arrangements after having received a confirmation email indicating that you have indeed secured a seat for in-person participation.
We look forward to your participation to this workshop.