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Innovation Centre for Industrial Transformation and Emissions

The new INCITE information platform has been launched

  • 15 Oct 2024
<span>The new INCITE information platform has been launched</span>

The new INCITE information platform has been launched and is ready for receiving submissions of clean innovative techniques in large industrial plants and livestock rearing installations.

Are you deploying a new clean technology for use in large industrial and livestock rearing installations? Would you like to share information with stakeholders, policymakers and investors? Are you looking for tested innovative techniques to improve the environmental performance of your industrial facility?

Look no further. 

The new INCITE information platform, launched last month, creates a public space for both submitting and consulting data and information on the innovative techniques for depollution, decarbonisation, increasing resource efficiency and circular economy that will play a key role during the industrial transition.

The shared transparent knowledge will support the deployment of innovative technologies and help the European industry to decarbonise, become more circular and reach the EU zero pollution target while maintaining its competitiveness. 

The platform aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the environmental benefits, technology maturity, possible trade-offs, location and cost benefit elements of these techniques, therefore helping stakeholders to make informed decisions and lower informational barriers for direct investments towards industrial innovation. 

Users are able to submit information through a simple online questionnaire. The published information can be consulted using interactive lists, tables or maps. Filters per sector, type of technique, country, environmental purpose, type of funding and technology readiness levels will be available, as well as factsheets summarising key information per technique.

The platform is designed to collect data on all industrial sectors covered under the Industrial Emission Directive, with an initial focus on energy-intensive industries, e.g.  iron, steel, cement or chemicals production. The INCITE team will analyse the information received and publish the (non-confidential) data that meet the platform criteria.

On the day of its launch, around 20 illustrative technologies were included in the platform to demonstrate its functionalities and the type of innovative techniques that are relevant for INCITE.